Nursing Home

There has been a shift in Canada and around the world on how we manage our Nursing Home/LTC facilities. As our population ages, the number of residents requiring care is growing exponentially. Our facilities and front line staff are being put under greater stress as a result of the scrutiny of Families, Internal Management, Head Office and Governmental agencies of the care we are providing.
Our solutions help you manage your limited resources while maintaining the highest standard of care, reducing risk, and providing the required documentation to families, management and government. Your focus is supporting your residents who require assistance with activities of daily living as well as 24/7 nurse supervision. We're here to minimize your care-staffs’ time documenting so that they have the opportunity to better assist their residents.
Solution Benefits
Fully Integrate eMAR with all Pharmacy software, ADT, Notes, and Care Plans
All Assessments automatically update the Care Plan with best practice protocols
Incidents tracked in the progress note software automatically update the Care Plan with Best Practice Protocols
Mobile POC (Point of Care) to track activities and care when your patients are off the floor or site with staff
Our simplified Care Mapping / Pathways / Order sets are created from your CCRS / MDS / ASSIC and your unique Facility / Chain customized assessments
Track all Medications and Incidents CCRS / MDS / ASSIC (QIs, RUGs) over time for each Resident, Unit, Facility, Region, and Chain
Track wound progress with great details (pictures, measurements, etc.), schedule all wound follow up assessments to ensure continuity of care
Enhanced patient safety with MedSafer – an electronic deprescribing tool for safe and successful medication deprescription in elderly