Med e-care Blog: Canada

Reasons Retirement Facilities Should Make Use of Integrated Pharmacy Partners

Written by Med e-care | Mar 7, 2018 8:25:00 PM

Today, the role of the pharmacist has changed from counting pills at the counter to extending their services to their client’s homes. This means that pharmacists are now focusing on long-term care as well as provision of various retirement facilities. It is therefore advisable for people to have an integrated partner pharmacy for their retirement.

This is the best move since there are several benefits which accrue when your retirement facility utilizes a dedicated pharmacy partner.

  1. There is flexibility in this form of care which ensures mutual collaboration with the staff,
    physicians, and the administration. As such, there is room to modify policies related to all their
    partner programs, services and medication management.
  2. When you have an integrated pharmacy partner, you will be able to have access to the comprehensive medication reconciliation procedure by the best practices in the industry.
  3. This type of plan allows retirement homes/facilities to have full access to a full monthly drug utilization as well as therapeutic classification reports. All these services are available to suit a facility’s requirements.

We provide the eMAR software (electronic medication administration) to pharmacies and retirement homes to improve their efficiency. Retirement homes should also make use of the eMAR software to minimize errors and accelerate administration times.

With an integrated pharmacy partner, retirement facilities will be able to access all forms of consultations for chronic health conditions. It will also be more comfortable for pharmacists to come up with a treatment plan on how to evaluate the health of the older people.

All the retirement facilities using pharmacy partners will have increased access to a fast and flexible delivery of prescription medicine to their homes. It is vital for retirement facilities to have a pharmacy partner to facilitate their service delivery. An optimized system such as eMAR typically ensures seamless incorporation of pharmacy records in all retirement facilities and access to real-time audit and quality assurance reports for all pharmacies and administrators.

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